Monthly Focus 2023
January - March: Design Research

What will you study? What research will advance knowledge in your field and make a difference in the world?
We will start at the beginning and discuss issues associated with selecting and defining a research problem. We’ll work through steps involved with designing and planning an ethical research project.
April - June: Collect Data
Who or what can help answer the questions or prove the hypothesis?
Data is central to any qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods study. We will look at approaches for collecting and generating data from human participants as well as strategies for collecting secondary data from archives, datasets and other sources.
July - September: Analyze Data
What does it mean?
With data in hand, the next steps involve analysis and interpretation. We will examine methods for analyzing different forms of data, including oral or written, visual or numerical.
October - December: Write and Disseminate Findings
Who needs to know about you have discovered? How can you reach them?
Academic Writing Month, November, is the centerpiece for the fourth quarter. In addition to academic writing, we will explore ways to communicate findings to professionals, practitioners, policy-makers, and the general public.
2022 – Research Relevance
The overarching focus for 2022 was research relevance. In these changing times, what problems should we study, why and with whom? With what methodologies and methods and with attention to what ethical issues? With what intentions for impact and change and why is empirical research relevant in an era of disinformation and what are our responsibilities as researchers?
January: Be relevant in 2022