Video interview: Linda Liebenberg, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods on research relevance

Learn about research relevance from journal editors

The focus for 2022 is Research<>Relevance. Since scholarly journals are one of the main channels for disseminating research, throughout the month of January we will explore ways they are rising to meet the current challenges in the field. How are journals meeting needs of their readers, contributors, and the public in these changing times? What methodologies and methods are drawing the most attention, and how can researchers prepare successful submissions?

To explore these questions I am interviewing editors and editorial board members from five SAGE research journals. I selected journals that are entirely or mostly open-access: International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Social Media + Society, Big Data & Society, Journal of Mixed Methods, and Research Ethics. I am asking the same questions of all the editors or board members, and at the conclusion of the series I will offer a comparison and synthesis of key points. You will also find posts for each respective journal with summaries of the most read and most cited articles, starting with this list from IJQM.

Interview with Linda Liebenberg, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods

The International Journal of Qualitative Methods is the peer-reviewed interdisciplinary open access journal of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) at the University of Alberta, Canada. In this interview Dr. Liebenberg discusses ways the journal is moving forward, and offers practical advice to researchers and reviewers.

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