Teaching Approaches to Visualizing Data
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In this post we feature materials from the course: Data Visualisation in Political Psychology at the University of Sheffield from Dr. Alexandra Anderson. You can use one relevant piece, download the whole set and adapt for your course, or share this page with your students so they can choose the resources of interest.
Alexandra Anderson shared course materials for free download on SAGE Research Methods teaching!
Grammar of Graphics
Grammar of Graphics – An Introduction
Key Elements in the Grammar of Graphics: Data, Aesthetics, Geometries
Let’s Look at all the Layers of the Grammar of Graphics Together
Other Elements in the Grammar of Graphics: Facets, Statistics, Coordinates, And Themes
Visual Display of Information
Introduction to Colours:\r Perception
The Visual Display of Quantitative\r Information – Data Density And Small Multiple
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - Graphical Excellence
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information’ - Graphical Integrity
Edward Tufte’s ‘The Visual Display of Quantitative Information’ - Graphical Integrity
Edward Tufte’s ‘The Visual Display of QuantitativeInformation’ - Graphical Excellence
The Visual Display of Quantitative\r Information – Data Ink And Chart Junk
Telling Stories with Data Vis: Distribution, Change Over time, And Magnitude
Spatial Data - A Brief Introduction
Lab Worksheets
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 1
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 3
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 4
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 5
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 6
Data Visualisation: Lab Worksheet 7
In this interview Daria Khanolainen explains how she used graphic vignettes to study school bullying, and the usefulness of this approach for studying sensitive issues.