Dr. Trena Paulus on the Fulbright Experience
by Janet Salmons, Ph.D., Research Community Manager for Sage Methodspace
Crossing the World to Learn from and with Each Other
Dr. Trena Paulus
Methodspace readers are familiar with Trena Paulus’ work as a methodologist and Sage author. Her most recent books include Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World, co-authored with Jessica Lester and Looking for insight, transformation and learning in online talk with Alyssa Friend Wise, from Routledge.
“The Fulbright Program, the United States government’s flagship program of international educational and cultural exchange, offers passionate and accomplished students and scholars in more than 160 countries the opportunity to study, teach, conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to mutual understanding. These talented Fulbrighters from all backgrounds inspire, innovate, and contribute to finding solutions to challenges facing our communities and our world.”
Dr. Paulus spent January through June of 2023 as a Fulbright teaching scholar, in residence at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Her Fulbright mentor was Professor Joanna Pawelczyk, who has also served as a Fulbright scholar.
Trena and Joanna joined me to discuss the Fulbright experience, Trena’s activities with faculty and students at AMU, and the research interests and projects of the department.
This interview will be particularly valuable for anyone who is interested in applying for a Fulbright award, or hosting a Fulbright scholar.
Related Links:
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar program: https://fulbrightscholars.org/us-scholar-awards
Fulbright Non-U.S. Scholar program: https://fulbrightscholars.org/non-us-scholars
AMU faculty of English: https://amu.edu.pl/en/main-page/amu-directory/faculties/faculty-of-english
Young Linguists Meeting in Poznan: https://ylmp2023.amu.edu.pl/
Jessica Lester and Trena Paulus co-edited a December 2023 special issue for the Sage journal, Qualitative Inquiry, “Qualitative inquiry in the 20/20s: Exploring methodological consequences of digital research workflows.” Read the articles and watch a roundtable with contributors. This is the second of two discussions of the special issue.