Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World: Interview with the Authors
As part of a MethodSpace focus on emerging and online research methods we explored new ideas about research and how we could keep conducting inquiries during the pandemic.
Remember chance meetings at face-to-face conferences?
A number of years ago I attended a conference hosted by The Qualitative Report. I was impressed by a couple of lively, interactive sessions run by students. I discovered that all of these students were studying with Dr. Trena Paulus. I was delighted to meet this super prof, and we've been in touch ever since. We're both passionate about qualitative research, and see our work as complementary.

Trena collaborates with the talented Jessica Lester. I was happy to see a new edition of the important book they co-authored, Digital Tools for Qualitative Research. This edition expands and updates the earlier work. To signal this move beyond digital tools to include research uses of online spaces and electronic resources, the new edition merited a new title: Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World.
To learn more about this book, I had a lively conversation with Trena and Jessica. Take a look!
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Trena Paulus and Jessica Lester discuss changes in online research and updates to their book, Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World.
Jessica Lester and Trena Paulus co-edited a December 2023 special issue for the Sage journal, Qualitative Inquiry, “Qualitative inquiry in the 20/20s: Exploring methodological consequences of digital research workflows.” Read the articles and watch a roundtable with contributors. This is the second of two discussions of the special issue.