Qualitative methodologies invite researchers to collect the views and experiences, stories and expressions of people who have knowledge of the research problem. How can you use those stories in your writings? How should you deal with sensitive, controversial, or inflammatory messages in the data? Should you include direct quotes or is it preferable to paraphrase statements? What ethical and practical guidelines should you follow? These are some of the questions we will explore in the webinar. Join us to learn how to write a compelling paper based on your qualitative research.
Hosted by Sage's Janet Salmons and Sean Scarisbrick and featuring a panel discussion and Q&A session with prestigious guest speakers, Maria Lahman and Tyler Kincaid. The webinar will provide essential guidance for anyone hoping to get published in an academic journal.
Register here.
Maria K. E. Lahman, PhD
Dr. Maria Lahman
Maria K. E. Lahman is a professor in the Department of Applied Statistics and Research Methods at the University of Northern Colorado, USA. Maria has taught writing and representing qualitative research for twenty years and specializes in creating ethical solutions for culturally complex situations, aesthetic representation of research, and advancing ethical research with young children and diverse groups. A graduate of Eastern Mennonite University, she challenges herself to weave aspects of social justice and peacebuilding into her pedagogy and scholarship.
Dr. Lahman is a frequent contributor to Methodspace, and the author of An Introduction to Qualitative Research: Becoming Culturally Responsive (2024), Writing and Representing Qualitative Research (2021), and Ethics in Social Science Research: Becoming Culturally Responsive (2017).
Tyler Kincaid, PhD
Dr. Tyler Kincaid
Dr. Tyler Kincaid has been a professional research methodologist for over a decade, with four years of direct experience analyzing complex behavioral health data within the State of New Mexico. Specifically, he has extensive knowledge and experience working with longitudinal Medicaid claims data related to clients with substance use disorders, serious mental illness, and serious emotional disturbances. Tyler has worked directly with multiple State of New Mexico partners and agencies, including but not limited to: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD), and the Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) of New Mexico. He leads multiple University of New Mexico (UNM) teams and works with stakeholders to guide state and federal level policy regarding Medicaid services for clients, expansion of Multisystemic Therapy (MST), and analysis of the New Mexico Behavioral Health Workforce. Prior to his relocation to New Mexico and UNM in 2019, he was a multi-disciplinary research methods instructor and consultant, focusing not only on statistical methods, but also on a wide range of qualitative and evaluation-based methodologies with a focus on vulnerable populations research methods. Dr. Kincaid has experience teaching graduate-level courses in qualitative research ethics and educational ethnography, along with eight years of experience teaching undergraduate statistical analysis.
Maria Lahman offers tips to help you hone your academic writing