Academic Writing Month is coming soon!
November is Academic Writing Month, a time when writers around the world lean on each other for encouragement and support. Across the globe we speak in one voice to say “get it done!” Each year Methodspace offers tools and skill-building resources to help you move forward.
The theme for 2021 is Making Progress. For some writers, that means completion of a project now underway. Other writers might be thinking more strategically about what new project to begin, or what direction their writing should take to advance their careers.
This ACWRIMO we are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Maria Lahman as our Mentor in Residence. Dr. Lahman is the author of the new book, Writing and Representing Qualitative Research, and the relevant text, Ethics in Social Science Research: Becoming Culturally Responsive. Use the code SAGE30 for a discount when you order the books from SAGE.
She will contribute a series of original guest posts and will also share writing from student collaborators. In addition, Maria and Methods Guru Janet Salmons will answer your questions in a live Tweetchat on November 8. Just log into Twitter and use the #methodspacechat hashtag. We will be online for one hour, from 9 to 10 PM ET, and you can find your time zone here. If the time is not convenient, log in at your convenience to see the conversation.
Let’s chat! No registration needed, just log in and post your question or share resources relevant to academic writing.