Become a Productive Academic Writer
Get ready for #AcWriMo! Find a checklist that will help you overcome obstacles that keep you from making progress with academic writing.
Write Reflectively: Reflective Development
Writing is often a solitary activity. However, reflection with others is a key part of understanding how to develop and define ideas from text. Learn more in this post.
AcWriMo 2023: More than a Month!
In 2023 academic writers have more than the usual number of issues to contend with, so we will tackle writing, presenting, and disseminating research for three months! From October through December, find posts, interviews, curated collections of open-access resources, and webinars!
Interview: Speech in the Machine: Generative AI’s Implications for Free Expression
The report from PEN America, Speech in the Machine: Generative AI’s Implications for Free Expression, connects dots that are important to academic writers: intellectual freedom, and protection of intellectual property. Summer Lopez, PEN’s Chief Program Officer for Free Expression agreed to talk about these issues and controversies.
Interview: Who Is Going to Make Money from Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Communications?
This must-read article in The Scholarly Kitchen caught my attention: “Who Is Going to Make Money from Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Communications?” See this thought-provoking interview with the author, Joseph Esposito.
Norman Denzin, 1941-2023: The Father Of Qualitative Research
Learn about the father of qualitative research, who passed away recently.
Teaching Approaches to Visualizing Data
Find open-access instructional materials from the course: Data Visualisation in Political Psychology at The University of Sheffield.
Collaborative feminist research methods in practice
The goals for this collaborative feminist research project were to bring together scholars who had critical methodological lenses, focusing our study through a collaborative feminist methodological lens to explore and address gender-based inequities in higher education institutions. Find the open-access book and toolkit the co-authors created.
Author Interview with Dr. Callie Rennison
Dr. Rennison won two awards for her innovative books. Hear about how she creates research impact.
Make Sure Your Book is Findable! Advice on Discoverability
Despite the warnings of digital doomsayers, academic book publishing remains dominated by print. That said, reader behavior has changed and continues to evolve. This is particularly true of how readers discover and read books and chapters. Rather than visiting a library or bookshop in person, readers of scholarly books start their searches online. For publishers, ensuring that books are prominent and visible in such searches is essential to encourage readership and drive citations.
Publish Your Doctoral Research
You have many options for disseminating your research. In today’s multifaceted digital world it is important to consider which options will work best to open doors to your desired academic or professional career, and how they fit together in a holistic publication strategy.
How telling one person’s story can represent the voices of many
Marta Eichsteller offers tips for using and writing about biographical methods.
Academic Writing Month 2022
All the posts for Academic Writing Month 2022 are here on one page!
Ethical Issues in Academic Writing
Ethical decisions are present throughout the process of academic writing and publishing. This collection of open-access articles offers insights about some of the issues writers face.
Nonbinary Identities, Context, and Academic Writing
Our context and identities influence how we think about our writing practice, our beliefs about time and boundaries, and so many other factors that have a real effect on us as academic writers.
Junk In Your Trunk: What to Do When You Feel Behind in Your Writing
Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to numerous questions posed by attendees, such as: “How to deal with shame about being very behind on a writing project?”
No Bad News: How Anyone Can Create an Easy, Effective Writing Group
Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to a question posed by an attendee: “How do you find a writing group?
Writing Groups: A Podcast
In this podcast panelist Leslie Wang discusses “All About Writing Groups” and offers practical tips for organizing your own.
The Writing Life Beyond Career Requirements
What do academics write when they are free from institutional constraints about what they can publish? See this post and conversation with Janet Salmons and Virginia Yonkers.
What’s next for #AcademicTwitter?
Listen to this conversation with Dr. Stu Shulman for discussion of implications of current developments for academics.