Research Methods in Practice
What are the methodological challenges for researchers who want to study real problems in real-world settings? In this interview Drs. Remler and Van Ryzin discuss their work in policy and practice.

See Research Methods in Practice the third edition by Drs. Remler and Van Ryzin. Use the code SAGE30 for a discount when you order the book from SAGE.
View the “Equitable Research Partnerships” webinar recording and read related resources materials.
To do international research equitably requires a change to mind-sets and a change of established practices that have come under scrutiny for being unfair, exploitative, and non-inclusive.
Research ethics is about more than filling out the correct form for review. Research ethics is lived practice. An interview with Janet Salmons about ethics and integrity in research practice.
In this interview the editor of the California Management Review offers advice to researchers who want to write for practitioners.
Engaging practitioners in research projects.