How to collaborate across paradigms: Embedding culture in mixed methods designs
Mixed methods researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods in the same study. Designing and conducting studies that include more than one approach often involves more than one researcher. Sometimes data scientists, interviewers who speak the language of participants, and other specialists are needed. In this webinar you will learn how to collaborate with a cross-cultural research team. We will explore how can culture influence mixed methods designs and how authors represent culture in the requisite integration of qualitative and quantitative research.
Hosted by Sage's Janet Salmons and Sean Scarisbrick, this interactive webinar will feature Cheryl Poth, Elizabeth Creamer, and Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios. Cheryl Poth is the editor, Elizabeth Creamer and Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios are section leads for the new Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design. The webinar will provide essential guidance for anyone hoping for guidance on how to conduct mixed methods research.
Register now for this free webinar.
Cheryl Poth
Cheryl Poth is a Professor and award-winning instructor and author at the University of Alberta in Canada. She is a past-President of the Mixed Methods International Association and current associate editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. She is the author of Innovation in Mixed Methods Research (2018, Sage), co-author with John Creswell of Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design (4th ed.) (2018; Sage), and editor of the Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Design (2023; Sage). Find posts and the recording for a previous webinar from Dr. Poth on the Sage Research Methods Community.
Elizabeth Creamer
Elizabeth G. Creamer is professor emerita from the School of Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg Virginia. She is past president of the Mixed Method International Research Association and editor in chief of the mixed methods track in the Methods in Psychology journal. Creamer is the author of three recent textbooks about mixed research: Introduction to Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research (SAGE, 2018), Advancing Grounded Theory with Mixed Methods (Routledge, 2021), and Visual Displays in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research (forthcoming, July 2024). See her post on the Sage Research Methods Community: Research Aims Appropriate to Integrated Mixed Methods.
Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios
Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios is Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Universidad del Norte, Colombia. She is co-author of a recently published book on mixed methods in Spanish (Métodos mixtos de investigación, 2024, Ediciones Pirámide) and editor of one of the sections of the Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Design (2023, Sage).She is President of the Latin-American Association of Mixed Methods Research (ALIMM). She has also co-authored several methodological articles on qualitative and mixed methods research. In 2019, she was a visiting scholar at the Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan.
Elizabeth Creamer discusses the selection of a research problem in mixed methods research.