Online Interviews and Surveys: Essential Resources for Digital Research
Explore new free content in Sage’s Doing Research Online collection. This meaningfully curated resource features expert insights, practical case studies, videos, datasets and how-to guides, alongside hands-on strategies for conducting robust online research.
Collect Data with Online Surveys
When survey tools were first available online, it seemed like the process of data collection would get much easier. Find open-access articles and author interviews.
Pros and Cons of Online Survey Research
Thinking about designing a study using online surveys? Learn from these researchers’ experiences.
Respondent Centred Surveys
Ways researchers and participants relate can be collaborative, as Laura Wilson and Emma Dickinson discussed in this SAGE Methodspace interview.
Avoid Fraud in Online Surveys
How can you reduce or eliminate fraudulent responses to online surveys? Jennifer Lawlor explains.
Dr. Jan Eichhorn discusses survey research
Dr. Jan Eichhorn offers tips for survey research.
Watch the MethodSpace Live Webinar: Doing Research Online
Interested in collecting data online from social media or participants? Join this webinar with Luke Sloan and Janet Salmons!
Get ready for the webinar about online research!
Want to prepare for this webinar? Register, then read our work and get your questions ready!