Webinar: How to select the right peer-reviewed journal for your research

by Kasia Figiel, Sage Research Methods Community Manager

Dissemination of research findings is a key part of every researcher’s journey, and this insightful webinar will empower you to make informed decisions to maximize the impact of your scholarly work. The speakers delve into the intricate process of journal selection, offering practical strategies and expert advice to streamline your publishing journey. With an abundance of journals available, distinguishing between reputable and predatory publications can be challenging. The webinar provides insights into assessing journal quality, impact factors, and credibility to ensure your work is published in reputable outlets.

This webinar is part of Sage’s free webinar series on How to do Research and Get Published. See here to register for upcoming webinars.


If you are interested in further resources on disseminating your research findings, here are a few suggestions from Sage to start with:

 Duke, D., Denicolo, P., & Henslee, E. (2019). Publishing for impact. Sage Publications Ltd.

Publishing research content can be a difficult task to undertake along with other academic activities. This book addresses how newer researchers can proactively plan, write, promote and disseminate their work, and increase their chances of both academic citation and real-world impact. 


Becker, L., & Denicolo, P. (2012). Publishing journal articles (1st ed.). Sage Publications Ltd

In this accessible, informative and entertaining book, Becker and Denicolo introduce the best practical strategies available to help you maximise your chances of success in getting your work published in the journal of your choice.


Caro, S. (2009). How to publish your PhD. Sage Publications Ltd.

Drawing on nearly twenty years in the book business Sarah Caro explains in a clear and accessible way the key issues facing the would-be author. Key issues discussed range from whether publishing your PhD is always the best way to enhance your career prospects to whether you should focus on journals or books.

 Choosing a Journal - an online course from Sage Campus

This course provides guidance to help authors make informed decisions when researching different journals to publish in. It will give you an insight into what journal editors are looking for, drawing on advice and tips from actual journal editors. If your institution does not subscribe to Sage Campus, you can register for 7 days of free access at https://freetrials.sagepub.com/



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