Face to Face Interviewing in South Asia (Pakistan) - A Modern Look - by Mohsin Muslim
Face to face research in South Asia particularly in Pakistan is still considered the most reasonable option for researchers. This isbecause of population diversity, spread, low literacy rate, andavailability of low priced local field work resources.
For every fieldwork, the researcher has to assure three vital steps to select a representative sample including Selection of Area, Selection of Household and Selection of Respondent. Face to face mode provides these basic essentials for a successful research.
Online surveys are more like buzz word in research now a days but the scenario differs in our region. Online surveys are less practicalhere due to low penetration of online population in Pakistan (11%)[1].Alsothis population exists only in special segments. On another front,mobile phone access is available to approximately forty percentpopulation in Pakistan[2])but the issue remains with the non availability of directories ofmobile phone for segmentation e.g. to identify gender, area of therespondent and other issues related to appropriateness of samplingframe.
People living in this region are generally talkative and take approximately 10 minutes more time in start up communication. So, inpractical 15 minute questionnaire in English can be administered in 25minutes time. Interviewer’s introduction in local language as per localnorms helps in building rapport and understanding with the respondentto gain better response rate. As some respondents may not be verycooperative in interviewing and they start un-necessary discussion andconfrontations in the beginning. This issue is better controlled inface to face interviewing. Field teams are trained enough to exhibitpatience and tolerance to listen to the remarks of the communitymembers while working in a community. This helps in paving the way forfuture work in that area.
Sometimes, contact with the Local Elders/ Upper Caste/ Influential Persons is helpful in conducting interviews. Such contacts are howevermade only when they like to facilitate the holding of interviews withinselected area.
We at International Field & Tab are working on hybrid techniques in field work management with the application of new technologies andinternet.
The future of face to face research exists in the region but in combination with the other faster research and communication links. Wesee face to face research in align with other modern modes of research.In future countries of this region might be using mixture of online andoffline mode in face to face research. The combination may yield fieldvisits, filling of e-Questionnaires on laptops and PDAs, live streamingas show cards, integration with location of interview via usingsatellite maps and real time entry of data into company’s portal. (ByMohsin Muslim, CEO International Field & Tab Emailinfo@field-tab.com.pk)
[1] Internet World Stats, figures Pakistan: PTA
[2] ITU Website / PTA -2006/2007